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Confessionalism is the practice of a church holding to a confessional statement of faith. These statements of faith are generally thorough documents that state the doctrines a particular church(s) or denomination(s) hold to.
There are three reasons in particular that Christians should study the Bible in the original languages: God commands us to understand and study His word carefully, to achieve clarity and confidence, and to understand and defend the truth.
Your salvation didn’t begin with you. It began with the Holy Spirit. It began with God calling you from spiritual death into spiritual life. It began with the Holy Spirit causing you to be “born again” and giving you the gift of faith.
How should we understand the relationship and development of the diverging protestant theologies of baptism?
What is worship? More specifically, what are the essential elements of worship?
Christian parents face unique challenges as we journey through the uncharted terrain of the digital age. In an era where rapid technological evolution is the norm, our role in guiding our children according to biblical principles is both crucial and complex.
During the New Year, many Christians are encouraged to embark on a “One Year Bible Reading Plan.” Why should we do that?
Church polity, the system of governance used by Christian churches, plays a pivotal role in shaping the faith, practice, and organizational structure of congregations and denominations.
Christmas and Reformed Christianity have, what I would consider, a complex relationship. You will find a diverse range of opinions on this holiday among Reformed Christians.
As my English Literature professor during Bible college waltzed into the room, she discussed one of the many eccentric topics we learned to expect from her class. Following one of her always-interesting tangents, she remarked, “I’m a complementarian because I’m a woman.” That struck me, and I’ve considered that comment ever since.
When the secular world views life, they draw out subjective forms of meaning. We need to ground our view of meaning and purpose for existing in God, and His word in order to find satisfaction in this life.
Being a Christian is about personal faith and becoming part of a community – your local church. Your involvement in the church isn't optional; it's a divine calling where your unique spiritual gifts are needed.
What is a Reformed Baptist? Is it a Calvinistic Baptist? Or something more?
The term “church” has evolved over centuries, acquiring layers of theological, cultural, and historical significance. In Christianity, the church represents more than just a physical space or a gathering of believers. If that’s true, what, exactly, is the church?
Throughout the history of the Church, pastors, theologians, and philosophers have sought to address the problem of evil: if God is good and all-powerful, why does He allow for pain, suffering, and injustice?
The reality is, that unfortunately it is far too easy for us to get the biblical order of salvation reversed. Many people wrongly assume that the Christian life begins with our doing something. We wrongly assume that we need to live our lives in such a way that we might merit or earn a right relationship with God.
“Where are all the good men?” If you’ve had any connection to our current global culture, you’ve heard this question dozens of times. We hear it enough that culture has made content designed to make men “manly” again. But what does that mean? What makes a boy a man?
For people trying to grow deeper in their theological knowledge, nothing is better than the old-fashioned learning method: sitting in a chair and reading a book. This is a guide for people who wish to do just that.
This article explores the pressing need, favorable outcomes, and practical ways to support rural ministry, particularly in farming communities. Inspired by thought-provoking contributions from Kyle Borg, Alex Eppstein, and Ron Klassen, we will integrate biblical insights to understand God's call to rural ministry.
When I decided to go to seminary a few years ago, I did not know which seminary I should have attended. It seemed like trying to choose the right drink from a vending machine, but I had no idea what they tasted like. This article aims to guide prospective seminary students to find the right seminary.
Explore the differences between Roman Catholics and other Christian sects, why Christians need to evangelize Roman Catholics, and how we can do so with integrity and compassion. At the same time, while also looking at some common objections and providing practical tips for evangelizing.
For some Christians, church membership is a given; it is considered essential to the Christian community, foundational to Christian life and growth, and so much more. For other Christians, church membership can be strange; it sounds restrictive, it feels “culty,” and, if anything, it should be an informal arrangement. Why all the fuss?
One of the most overlooked duties in the Christian life is that of Family Worship. Family worship, being the act of gathering all within your household together regularly for the worship of God, is not something the average Christian family does. This is unfortunate, given all the wonderful blessings that family worship bestows on those who practice it.
The 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith, also commonly referred to as the 1689 London Confession, serves as a document to be an interpretation of Scripture and a constitutional foundation for Particular Baptists. What is its history?
When you struggle with your identity, be it your gender or sexual identity, your physical identity, your social identity, or whatever else, don’t be disheartened. There is a better identity in Christ that will give lasting satisfaction. When you trust in him, you do not need to try and forge your gender. You won’t have to create your own identity.
Drawing inspiration from biblical narratives, let's explore five transformative ways a Christian man can mirror Christ's covenantal love for his Church in loving his wife. Dive in to rediscover love, commitment, and spiritual bonding through the lens of divine wisdom.
The Solas Council is more than just a place to publish articles; we are a burgeoning community of Christians online! Here are some ways to get involved and get connected.
If you are a prospective seminary student asking the question, “Should I go to Seminary?” Join us in considering if you should- in fact- go to seminary.
Whether you are a seasoned evangelist looking to enrich your approach or a novice seeking guidance, these tips aim to support your efforts in sharing the transformative power of the Gospel per the wonderful and biblical truths of Reformed Theology.