Four Encouragements to Read Your Bible

During the New Year, many Christians are encouraged to embark on a “One Year Bible Reading Plan.” If you are looking for a one year bible reading plan, the Solas council has created one with Reformed confessions and creeds here. In this article, I aim to encourage readers to read their Bibles.


Understanding the “Big Picture.”

I once had a friend of mine tell me, “The Bible is a big book, that’s the reason why it takes so long for us to understand all of it.” Not only do I agree with my friend that the book is big, but I would add that there are some parts that are more difficult to understand over others.i Regardless, there is still a “Big Picture” that God has in mind throughout the Bible. The Big Picture is how God intends to save his people through Jesus Christ. Starting from Genesis 3:15, we read of a promise that there would be a seed from Eve that would come to crush the head of the serpent. That promise becomes clearer to Gods people with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the Prophets, until Christ finally appears and comes to die for sinners on Calvary.


To Understand your Bible.

There is an adage spoken within reformed circles, “Use the Bible to interpret the Bible.” I would add onto this adage by stating, “How can you know the Bible if you have never read it?” Sure, there are parts that are difficult to interpret, but becoming familiar with the scriptures begins by merely reading them. I have a professor in seminary that always uses illustrations from the Marvel movies. He said that anyone can drop in and watch any of the Marvel movies in any order. Yes, some things will not make the most sense, but there is at least a cohesive story unit within the individual film. However, a better fan would watch all the movies and all the TV shows. They would understand the entire story and all the Characters. Nevertheless, they would not know everything. Only the person who has read many of the comics, all the movies, and all the TV shows would be able to fully comprehend the Marvel movies to the fullest. Those of us who saturate ourselves in the word of God can begin to comprehend the word of God.


Grow in Holiness

Since the Bible is the word of God, it is a Holy word given to us. Reading scripture will bring us closer to God and make us grow in holiness. As Paul wrote to his disciple, Timothy, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 3:14-15; ESV).


Develop Discipline

Finally, in a day where there are many distractions, setting aside time to read your Bible can further our needs for discipline. Everyone is different and may not have the time to read as many chapters as other people. However, it is vitally important for your very soul to read the word of God. If you do not know where to start, or how many chapters to read a day, I would personally suggest picking a Bible reading plan and set aside 15-30 minutes a day with the same time slot if possible.

Adam McCarty

Adam McCarty is an MDiv Student at the Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson. He previously earned his bachelor's degree at the New Orleans Theological Seminary. He attends Grace Baptist Church on Castwood Drive in Brandon, MS, a confessionally Reformed Baptist Church. 


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